Welcome Home Reecee

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posted on

January 28, 2022

We let Reecee (our new cat) take a bath once a week. She likes water sometimes.

She likes to attack our stuffed animals.

She likes to jump on our Lego table!!!!!!! 

We are going to build a scratching post for her soon. Meanwhile she likes to scratch our mom's white chair...instead of scratching stuff we expect her to scratch. No no Reecee!

She likes to play the piano sometimes. She jumps onto the piano bench, then she walks across the keys, making music. She prefers the middle and low notes best. One night we heard her playing the piano while we were reading books upstairs!!!!!!!

She likes to play with Legos that are on the floor. She bats them with her paw and she runs around chasing them across the house. And we sometimes see Legos in our dining room and in the bathroom.

Reecee likes to nap a lot. We sometimes cover her up with a blanket. We once caught her laying down in our game cupboard on the bottom shelf!!!

Sometimes I like to hug her and snuggle with her.

Reecee likes to play with anything that's on the floor. We once had a ping pong ball on the floor and she chased it around. She batted it under the couch. It was silly!!

She likes napping on our dad's lap. And she likes watching nature shows with us!!

We take her outside sometimes. She once scurried up a tree like squirrels do. It was very funny!!

I really love Reecee because she is the cutest cat in the world!!

Love Vyla

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