There's a New Guard Dog for Hannah's Hens!

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February 24, 2022

Panda has a lot of energy so he likes to be around our legs, playfully biting our boots and coats. Sometimes it hurts but I think he's just trying to have fun. A couple days ago we let Panda meet Reecee, our calico kitten. Panda really liked Reecee and wanted to play with her. But Reecee didn't really want to play because she fluffed her tail and batted him away with her paws.

We went ice skating with Panda on one of our ponds. I think he kinda thought it was slippery!

Panda is here to guard our chickens from coyotes. He's spending time with the chickens each day for 2-3 hours to get to know them. The chickens acted startled when they were with him the first time! They flapped their wings, bawked, and ran away. Panda is a Great Pyrenees cross so he is a huge puppy compared to the size of my hens.

Panda also likes to eat the food scraps I spread out for the chickens! I think Panda and my hens will get along great!

Love, Hannah

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