Mid Year Moment

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posted on

July 2, 2021

If we don't know where we're going, how will we know when we get there?

Life is bustling with activity and opportunity at every turn. It's up to us to navigate that, setting our course and applying ourselves toward what we sense is the meaningful call on our lives.

Sometimes our lives get tangled in distractions that take us further away from, rather than toward, our purpose in that season of life.

I've found tremendous value in pausing regularly to ask myself some reflective questions that help settle things in my heart, clarify my mind, and confidently inform my decision making.

Entering July, we're now at "halftime" for 2021. Just like football, let's clear the field for a moment and consider what we've experienced so far this year. Answer a few (or all) of these prompts for some juicy insight that will calm your soul and ignite your fire!

  • Does your experience of 2021 align with what you wanted this year to look like? Why/why not.
  • What has surprised you about 2021?
  • What are the greatest joys you've had this year? 
  • What are you most proud of?
  • How are you different now than at the start of the year?
  • What challenges have you overcome? 
  • What are you grateful for?
  • What are you aiming to accomplish and/or become before this year closes?
  • What adjustments do you need to make to ensure that happens?

There's beauty in the pause to ponder.

Friends, enjoy the wonder it brings.


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