This is Us.

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posted on

April 28, 2021

Sometimes what we need most is to simply get back to the basics. Do you agree?

Our family has invested the past 6 years growing back to our roots. Probably longer, actually.

And, in the most unexpected way, we're pursuing a dream that found us along the way. And led us home.

In 2020 we moved back to Nebraska, to establish our life and new calling/business, Well Grounded Farms, in the area where I grew up. It was time to come home.

This blog is to chronicle the story of Well Grounded Farms and its people. On mission to make eating well easy for families. With the big picture vision of restoring integrity to food.

Let's get acquainted. Come, let me introduce you to our family.

We are the Hocks. (pronounced Hokes). Yep, consistent to our personalities of going against the grain, our very name defies phonics ;)

Our team lead is Andrew. That's my husband. His awakening to Regenerative Agriculture in 2015 brought a major paradigm shift for our entire family we continue to grow into. Andrew handles all things production/operations related for Well Grounded. He also works part time as a meat cutter at Wahoo Locker.

I'm Laurie, wife and mom to this crew. I'm coordinating how we, as Well Grounded Farms, connect with families looking for guidance to feed their families well. I also work from home as an independent Coach/Consultant. Organizations hire me to develop new managers into exceptional leaders. Oh, I should also mention I'm a Dietitian.

Andrew and I have 3 young kids. A son and 2 daughters. Here they are doing chores this morning, giving our chickens some TLC.

Our oldest is Asher. He's got the innovative mind of an engineer and the determination of a wild mustang. He's very entrepreneurial as well as an avid reader. He's currently working through the Wingfeather Saga series... each book has close to 400 pages!

Next is Hannah. She is a budding musician (who just began piano lessons this month), a talented LEGO creator, and a tender-hearted animal whisperer. Our hens literally flock to her (no pun intended) whenever they see her! Her poise and gentle spirit puts anyone at ease.

Vyla is our youngest, and she is fiery. She brings life and fun wherever she goes. Her spirited approach to all things is contagious. She loves the kitchen and creates many artisan masterpieces there. Wearing her chef's hat seems to bring out the best in her :)

That's us. We are Well Grounded. And so are you.

See you here again soon.

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